
news: BARRUS presents titled song from upcoming album „The Kids“

Barrus is the alias of Polish guitarist and music producer, Rafał Lipka. His creative journey began in 2010 in

news: BARRUS presents titled song from upcoming album „The Kids“

Barrus is the alias of Polish guitarist and music producer, Rafał Lipka. His creative journey began in 2010 in Olsztyn as a co-founder of the thrash metal band Eyewash. In 2018, the band split up and Rafał fully devoted himself to his solo project. In the same year, he released a demo „surcease“ and two years later, the debut album „DPDR“, featuring six instrumental tracks spanning the genres of art/atmospheric/progressive rock. 
Right now, Barrus is preparing for the release of a new album titled „The Kids“.

Lyric video to the song „The Kids“ on Youtube:


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Music for this release was recorded and mixed by the project leader – Rafał Lipka, while the mastering was done by Marvin at Tide Studio Lodon (Tableau Mort, Phantom Horde). Album cover artowk was done by Urszula Pachała. New album titled „The Kids“ will be released digitally April 4, 2024.

Quelle & ©: Solid Rock PR (PL)