
news: ROSES OF THIEVES – new video clip Can’t look back to the recently released album “Gateway to Utopia”

ROSES OF THIEVES – “Can’t Look Back”- the second video from the Gateway to Utopia album is out now!

ROSES OF THIEVES – “Can’t Look Back”- the second video from the Gateway to Utopia album is out now! The band is ready to conquer the stages.


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After a highly acclaimed debut album, and a couple of successful shows supporting Alestorm this July Hungary’s new female-fronted, EDM-influenced modern metal band Roses of Thieves’ are heading to a massive tour in Hungary as a special guest of Paddy And The Rats. Let’s prepare yourself Europe, the band is coming! As a next step an international tour will take place in spring 25’

The band combines modern metal with hints of traditional Irish pub music and some folk metal elements – if you are into Amaranthe and love to party with Alestorm, then there’s a strong chance that “Gateways to Utopia” will be one of your favorite albums in 2024!


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