
news: „Aqualung Redux“ MOTORPSYCHO premiere Jethro Tull’s ‚Up to Me‘

MOTORPSYCHO square the circle with the second single taken from the forthcoming MER Redux Series release „Aqualung Redux“. The

news: „Aqualung Redux“ MOTORPSYCHO premiere Jethro Tull’s ‚Up to Me‘

MOTORPSYCHO square the circle with the second single taken from the forthcoming MER Redux Series release „Aqualung Redux“. The Norwegian psychedelic rockers, very much like the British icons, hold a particularly strong and unique musical identity that has always remained clearly identifiable despite a multitude of stylistic changes in their ongoing careers. On their tribute track ‚Up to Me‘, the trio from Trondheim unite two seemingly opposed artistic achievements: making the song their own while at the same time amplifying many of the features that define the sonic individuality of JETHRO TULL.

„Aqualung Redux“ has been slated for release on December 6, 2024.


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