
news: TrollfesT – Release „Smoldering Failure“ their 2nd single from „20 Years in the wrong lane“

TROLLFEST release their 2nd single & video from their upcoming „20 Years in the wrong lane“ compilation album. The

news: TrollfesT – Release „Smoldering Failure“ their 2nd single from „20 Years in the wrong lane“

TROLLFEST release their 2nd single & video from their upcoming „20 Years in the wrong lane“ compilation album. The AI generated video unleashes the Flamingo Overlord in true kaos.

TROLLFEST on „Smoldering Failure“
Step into the battleground of musical mayhem with this hidden gem from the Flamingo Overlord sessions! Picture Bob Venke, the Flamingo Overlord, orchestrating a clash of titans, pitting foes against each other in a spectacle of destruction. This track arrived fashionably late to the album party, bursting with such ferocity that the album couldn’t contain it!


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Quelle & ©: RTN Touring (David)