
news: SUN DESCENDS ALONE presents video to the new song „Love You to the Grave“

SUN DESCENDS ALONE, the captivating brainchild of Trebol Dot, renowned for his role in the melodic death metal sensation

news: SUN DESCENDS ALONE presents video to the new song „Love You to the Grave“

SUN DESCENDS ALONE, the captivating brainchild of Trebol Dot, renowned for his role in the melodic death metal sensation Dawn Of Tears, emerges as a unique entity in the realm of music. With an enchanting shift in focus towards gothic atmospheres, Sun Descends Alone explores new sonic territories that beckon listeners into a world of evocative emotions.
Song was released digitally via L’Arte Produce Record Label of Vault Lab Recordings and distributed by Sepulchral Silence.

Video to the song „Love You to the Grave“:


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