
news: Prophecy Fest 2024 announce new stage set-up

Prophecy Fest announces changes to the technical set-up that mainly concern the second stage, which was first introduced at

news: Prophecy Fest 2024 announce new stage set-up

Prophecy Fest announces changes to the technical set-up that mainly concern the second stage, which was first introduced at least year’s edition. Following the event, we had asked visitors, bands, and crew for feedback on this change.

First of all, we would like to thank everybody who has contributed. It is a remarkable result that about half of the number of visitors replied, which indicates a strong interest. The result of the poll is a slim majority of votes in favour of continuing Prophecy Fest with two stages.

As first change all bands on the second stage will play one show. This means less interference from soundchecks. There will be no soundchecks on the second stage while bands are playing on the main stage, which means no interference at all from this direction.

The second effect is the return of full breaks to Prophecy Fest during which no band is playing on any stage as requested by many participants of the poll.

Thirdly, keeping the second stage means more bands will be invited than without. Prophecy Fest can continue its mission to offer exciting talent and rare treats a chance to present themselves on stage. This is becoming even more difficult in the post-pandemic live scene.

Prophecy Fest comment: „We did not want to have a ‚winning‘ and a ‚losing‘ side, which might be implied in a yes/no question“, fest and label founder Martin Koller explains. „The second stage will be continued but we have considered all arguments and implemented changes to the set-up. We hope that this is a win for all: Rarely seen talents get a chance to play. Visitors will have opportunities to take breaks without the feeling of missing anything. And the technical team has to deal less with interference issues between stages. Thank you so much for participating and your strong support in making this family meeting even better.“

Quelle & ©: Prophecy Productions