
news: Göden released a new video „Urania“ of their upcoming album

Göden is back, and on their latest album the sound is heavier than ever. Creator Stephen Flam is best

news: Göden released a new video „Urania“ of their upcoming album

Göden is back, and on their latest album the sound is heavier than ever. Creator Stephen Flam is best known for his previous work with the band Winter, whose sludgy dirge earned a cult following for decades to come. Göden is the spiritual successor to Winter. One could say Celtic Frost is to Triptykon what Winter is to Göden. Their debut album, Beyond Darkness stood on its own in creating a distinctive world.
The new Göden album Vale of the Fallen will be out on CD, LP and digitally worldwide 17th of May via Svart Records. The video Urania by Dan Blafford aka Dreambreeder 079 is out right now on Svart Record’s YouTube-channel:


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