
news: ERNTE unleash video for „The Witch (Was Born In Flames)“

June 7th will see the release of „Weltenzerstörer“, the brand new album by Swiss black metal duo ERNTE, which

news: ERNTE unleash video for „The Witch (Was Born In Flames)“

June 7th will see the release of „Weltenzerstörer“, the brand new album by Swiss black metal duo ERNTE, which will be coming out on Vendetta Records. Following the release of their first single „Ruler of Chaos, Bringer of Storm,“ the band now unveils a new track, „The Witch (Was Born In Flames)“, offering a further glimpse into the album’s dark and intense atmosphere. Accompanied by a haunting music video, the second single promises to immerse listeners in ERNTE’s captivating sound. Experience the visual and auditory journey by watching the music video here:


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