
news: DOCTOR VISOR – is back with new EP „Watch the Skies“

DOCTOR VISOR (real name: Fabian Filiks), best known by his stage name Moloch is an electronic music / black

news: DOCTOR VISOR – is back with new EP „Watch the Skies“

DOCTOR VISOR (real name: Fabian Filiks), best known by his stage name Moloch is an electronic music / black metal artist based in Opole, Poland.
Right now, Doctor Visor is preparing for releasing new music as mini-album titled „Watch The Skies!“
The weather bureau is calling it ‚the most vicious storm of the century‘. They don’t know how right they are!


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EP will be released on December 8, 2023 digitally and as limited tape through Via Nocturna.

Quelle & ©: Solid Rock PR (PL)