
news: DEATH REAPERS unleashed video to the song from upcoming debut album

Death Reapers bring boundless energy to the stage, now more than ever. Having played numerous concerts, they are just

news: DEATH REAPERS unleashed video to the song from upcoming debut album

Death Reapers bring boundless energy to the stage, now more than ever. Having played numerous concerts, they are just gaining momentum, attracting an ever-growing following on the Polish metal scene.
Death Reapers return with their new single, “Wear Your Leather Proud” – a tribute to metal culture, bikers, and punks. This track is a perfect blend of melodic death metal with a message of pride and freedom.


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Song was recorded by the Band entirely. Whole was mixed and mastered by Hubert Potomski – band lead guitarist. Cover artwork was also done by the Band.
Quelle & ©: Solid Rock PR (PL)