
news: DARGOR pay tribute to the Austrian Summoning playing „Land Of The Dead“ cover

Dargor decided to pay tribute to the legendary SUMMONING by recording a cover of the song „Land Of The

news: DARGOR pay tribute to the Austrian Summoning playing „Land Of The Dead“ cover

Dargor decided to pay tribute to the legendary SUMMONING by recording a cover of the song „Land Of The Dead“ from the album „Oath Bound“ (2006).


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DARGOR is a melodic black metal band from Krosno founded in 2019. The band combines the atmospheric and melodic sound of guitars with keyboards and aggressive vocals and drum lines. Heaviness and aggression are balanced with melancholy and a dark atmosphere. The lyrics mainly focus on the meaninglessness of our existence, the illusory perception of life and negative emotions.
The band has released two albums released by the Belgian label Meuse Music Records: „Descent Into Chaos“ (2021) and „Ascend To Infinity“ (2022).

Quelle & ©: Solid Rock PR (PL)