
news: BLACK VEIL BRIDES cut open new era with „Bleeders“ Video & EP

BLACK VEIL BRIDES kick off a new season of redemption and revenge with “Bleeders,” a cinematic music video, battle

news: BLACK VEIL BRIDES cut open new era with „Bleeders“ Video & EP

BLACK VEIL BRIDES kick off a new season of redemption and revenge with “Bleeders,” a cinematic music video, battle cry, and tour conceived by bandleader Andy Biersack. The “Bleeders” single and enchanting music video (directed by Jensen Noen) coincide with a forthcoming EP of the same name.

The Bleeders EP is both a soundtrack and a signpost of everything BVB past, present, and future. The band’s inaugural release in a new partnership with Spinefarm boasts the title track, a loving rendition of Sweeney Todd’s “My Friends,” and a faithful cover of U2’s “Sunday Bloody Sunday.”


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